Sunday, March 7, 2010

A bit bummed

This morning I woke up at 4:30 I was so excited to get to the IVF office to have my egg retrieval done today. I tried to go back to sleep, unfortunately it really didn't work. I knew I had to be up at 6 am so I could shower and get ready for work. We got to the IVF office with a few minutes to spare, I check in and they call me right away. I was asked if I've ever had one of these done before and I said no, so they explained what I had to do and what they were going to do and they went over a bunch of things with me.

Eventually I was taken into the procedure room where they were going to do the retrieval. The anesthesiologist was getting me hooked up to the IV and talking to me a bit. I remember him asking me to say my full name and date of birth. Then he said, "alright, let's give you some happy medicine!" Then while he was getting it all ready for me he asked me where I was coming from and I said Gurnee and he was saying that's not too far. Then he asked me if I grew up in that area and I told him no I grew up in Mt Prospect. He was familiar with that area so he asked me if I went to Prospect High School and I said yes I did. Then that was it, that was all I remembered. I don't know how long I was out but I do remember waking up and the Dr coming back into my room telling me that they couldn't do the retrieval due to the fact that I had already ovulated. I was a bit bummed and still really out of it from the anesthetics. They brought me back into the room where I was before and Dave was sitting in there. He already knew that it was cancelled. Anyways they said that they were going to do an IUI with me, I remembered when I went to the IVF consultation that on one of the papers I had signed I had wanted to do an IUI if the IVF had to be cancelled for whatever reason.

As bummed as I am that I couldn't continue with the IVF, I am hoping and praying really hard that the IUI will take this time. Maybe with all of those meds and extra follicles I produced this cycle maybe just maybe one will take. Now the dreaded two week wait begins. Thanks for all of the support, thoughts and prayers that were sent. I really appreciate it!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I can't believe it's here already!!! I can't explain how my feelings are excited, nervous, happy!!! AHHH So yesterday I had an early appointment with my RE for an ultrasound and bloodwork. I knew I wouldn't get results until later on in the afternoon, so I was pretty nervous. I honestly didn't ask how many follicles I had because I don't want to sit there and analyze it, I'm just going with the flow. I worked at a different office the last couple days, a very small 3 person credit union just merged with us and I was out there for moral support since this was their first week going live with us. I knew I'd be getting a call from the IVF nurse and I got absolutely NO reception in the building, so until I heard my phone beep at me that I had a message I kept looking at it.

Finally at about 2:20pm Anna the nurse had called me and went over my medication instructions, she was said, "Good news, you will be coming in for your egg retrieval on Sunday!" Holy schnikies!!! I can't believe how fast that came up... I quickly hung up my phone and my mouth was wide open. I dialed to listen again to the voicemail and this time I listened to the whole message. She said, that I no longer have to do the follistim or menapur, at 7 to do 2 ovidrel shots and then at my regular time to do another ganirelix shot. Then she proceeded to tell me on saturday with dinner to take 2 azithromycin tablets and then after midnight not to eat or drink anything.

IT'S HERE!!! Sunday I go in a 7:15 and I know when we went in for our IVF consultation meeting in January we were told to plan on being there awhile, but I really don't remember how long she had said. I honestly really don't care I am so ready for this and excited!