Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to square one

I went to the RE this morning for my beta reading and as much as I didn't want to hear this it came back that I wasn't pregnant. How frustrating is this going cycle to cycle and nothing good is coming out of it. Dave is in Vegas and the whole day since he's been gone I've been so sad and just crying! I can't help it it's so very frustrating. I never realized how hard it is to conceive a baby. I never imagined this! I thought it would be so easy, guess I thought wrong. Atleast my RE talked to me and she has a plan in place. This coming up cycle I'm going to do the clomid again but she's increasing the dose to 100 mg from 50 mg on the 5th day of taking the clomid she's going to have me take 2mg of estrace or something like that anyways, it's supposed to help the lining, I will still do the ovidrel shot and we will do our second IUI. I'm trying to look ahead and cheer up it's just so hard being alone! That's why I can't help the crying. Sorry this update is so short but I really don't have much to say! Hope all is well with everyone!

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