Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The start of a new cycle

Today is the 5th day of my cycle. Yesterday I went to the doctors and I had an ultrasound and bloodwork done. The bloodwork all came back normal and my ultrasound was fine as well however they did notice a very small cyst. It was 15mm and I was told it's nothing to worry about. It's not uncommon to have remainders from previous cycles. So I quit worrying about it. Tonight I will be starting the 100mg of clomid for the next 5 days. I've been told that many people that have been on the clomid have noticed dramatic side effects. I'm prepared and know what can happen and I'm hoping it won't with me. That's pretty much it with me! Dave had a nice getaway to Vegas and I'm glad he's back home. We can't believe how fast this summer is going, August is going to be over soon.

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