Sunday, September 6, 2009

The end of summer

I can't believe how fast this summer has gone, and honestly it never felt like it was here. We have had the weirdest summer ever. It has been great on the pocket book with using the air, I think we have only used it maybe 10 times if even. As for Dave and I we are near the end of our two week wait and I'm REALLY praying for good news. I seriously couldn't want anything more than this. I never EVER realized how hard this would be until we've been trying. On a good note, my sister Theresa and her husband Matt and the boys Noah, Joseph, and Peter were in for two weeks and it was REALLY great to see them I don't get to see them very often due to the fact they live in Washington and I don't get out there very often if ever. Found out Theresa and Matt are expecting their 4th so I am very very happy for them. I will post more after my appointment on Thursday, hoping it's really good news!!! Hope all is well with everyone else.

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