Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moving on with our Journey

Friday morning was a very nerve wrecking day for me. I made a very early morning appointment at the RE's so I could make sure my results would get in that day. I got to the RE's at 6:50 am and went inside signed in and waited for them to call me in. I first met with Natalie the ultrasound tech. She asked me if I was alright and I said yes just hoping that my cyst is long gone. She looked at the screen where she could see inside and then looked at the other screen where my chart was. She said, "Yep, it's gone, let me check the other side to see if anything is there!" I was freaking out again... She went to the other side and proceeded to say, "You are as clean as a whistle!" I was so happy I told her she made my day!!!! After the ultrasound appointment, I went back to have some bloodwork done. I knew that I wouldn't get my results back as quickly as I did with the ultrasound. I don't know why but the lady that always does my blood has a horrible time at finding my veins. She refuses to stick me more than once so se won't unless she knows it's there. She always asks me if I drank water, and my answer is always yes... Am I seriously supposed to drink a gallon before I go there. my veins just don't wake up in the morning. She ended up poking me on top of my hand that is the only place my veins really stick out.

After my appointment I went back home to get ready for work, but I was fairly excited I knew I'd finally be able to move on. I went to work and thankfully was very busy that I didn't have to think about it too much. About 2:30pm I got a call from the IVF nurse saying that everything is great and that Sunday I can start my stimming with the shots. I was happy and relieved that I finally have gotten some good news.

Tonight I start follistim and Menopur, I've taken follistim before but have not taken menopur. I've heard that it can sting a bit, but it will all be worth it in the end. I'm so ready to get this going and move on. I can't believe how fast this is going and that the answers to my prayers are coming faster than I have ever expected.


  1. I am so excited for you!!! You will be pregnant so soon!! I can't wait! I'm so glad that cyst was gone!! WOOHOO!!!

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SO excited to follow you!

  3. You are soooo close sweetie! It will all happen before you know it!!
