Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nephew #4 has arrived and expecting another nephew in July

It's a morning routine for me to go online and check my facebook to see what's up with everyone. My sister had her status as Hello, baby... Of course I had to comment on it, I didn't know if that meant she was in labor or she had the baby. After I commented my dad called my cell, he didn't want to wake me up but he knew I wanted to know. He left me a message that Theresa had the baby at just about 3am Seattle time, he was 8lbs 11oz and 20inches long. I was so excited that she finally had him, I wanted to finish getting ready for my work day and I called my dad on the way to work. Of course all the questions I was asking he didn't know... The big one was the name. He told me to call my mom after work and he was sure that she would have more information. So of course I was going through my whole day anxiously awaiting someone to give me some sort of news. I was glad the day flew by. Mid afternoon I did get a text from my sister-in-law Shannon saying that she found out she's having a boy, I know this baby will be so spoiled.

On my way home I called my mom to see if Theresa had picked a name yet... I was like they had 9 months to decide on a name what the heck?!?! My mom said no that they still hadn't picked out a name. They were going back and forth on a couple different names, Xavier was one but my mom said they were leaning more towards Thomas. I did get to talk to Theresa for a bit last night, I knew she was tired so I didn't get to talk long.

I called my mom today on my way home found out she was released from the hospital and STILL no name. Dave and I keep calling him Bart because in November I wrote my sister an email and put in it, "love all of you and baby DeMonte!" When she wrote back she signed hers love with all of their names and Bartholomew. I looked at Dave and said do you really think she's naming him Bartholomew, she never would tell anyone any of her childrens names until after they were born. Regardless it didn't matter if we liked the name or not as long as her and her husband agreed on it. Theresa and Matt are taking name suggestions, not saying they will go with it or not but they may. I'm hoping by the weekend he will have a name... My mom was telling me that Noah, my oldest nephew, who's autistic, is not really getting the whole hang of having a baby brother yet. Hopefully soon he'll be ok. Joseph and Peter are so excited all they want to do is just hold him. They are going to be so helpful with the new baby.

I attached some photos that Matt had sent of the baby, I'm sure Theresa wouldn't be too happy but that's ok. I'm a proud Auntie and want to show them off. The one picture has Joseph(in the black sweatshirt) and Peter (green shirt) at the hospital.

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